How to be an adult supporter of Student led activist groups

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July 13, 20192:00 pm2:50 pm
Students are energized these days to participate in social justice / activist groups.
Many of us adults have experience in this but when we try to help, if we are not careful, we can co-op the group into an adult led group. Not cool! It is very important to allow them to lead (even if we think we have a “better way”) and also be available when they ask for our help.
12:00 am Steve Vellines

Kids Session (Ages 3-12)

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July 13, 20192:00 pm3:00 pm
Using the Godly Play method as a foundation, we’ll sing, share stories from Scripture (told BIG with objects), wonder together about what they mean for us, and have a time of free art response. While each session is self-contained, the stories do speak to each other. This year, we are focusing on what binds us as children of God, what we owe one another, and how we might reach across our differences. This is an opportunity for kids to build community with other kids, teens and adults at the Goose while creating and discovering meaning together.
12:00 am Emily Griffin
12:00 am Nancy St. John
12:00 am Sally Thomas

Sabbath as Resistance

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July 13, 20192:00 pm2:50 pm
We will explore how holy rest can nourish the soul of the activist, teacher, preacher and soul seeker.

How does holy respiration fill us so that we may be MORE?

-more inspired

-more creative

-more motivated

-more transformed?

Julie and Amy will lead participants as we explore wisdom writers who have used ancient practices of Sabbath-keeping to fuel their work and lives. Time spent in regular practices of keeping the Sabbath has shaped the lives of those who have moved throughout the centuries to advocate and conspire to interrupt and transform oppressive socio-political practices of their times. Participants will use prompts from many sources to explore rest in the midst of social justice work to support sustainable and positive change.

12:00 am Amy Vaughan & Julie McElmurry

Theology and Time Travel: Free Will & Destiny in Narrative

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July 13, 20192:00 pm2:50 pm
Modern time travel stories must answer this question: Were we to travel to the past, could we change it, and in so doing, change our present? This question is inextricably linked with our view of God’s sovereignty, God’s agency, and the free will of the creation. It also touches on the question of where God exists in time: Does God experience time with God’s creation? Does God act outside of time? Does God know all of time in its entirety, and if so, why does God not prevent world tragedies? This workshop will be lead with a presentation, then group conversations to discuss the nature of God in our time travel tropes.
12:00 am Rev. Terry Menefee Gau
12:00 am Jayme Reaves

Finding Your Prophetic Voice

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July 13, 20192:00 pm2:50 pm
A short reading of the opening chapter of my book on what it means to be a prophet followed by small group exploration of the questions:
What does it mean to be prophetic? Is Godde calling you to use your prophetic voice? What would it look like? Is there something stopping you from using your unique voice?
12:00 am Connie L. Tuttle

Mothering: An inclusive table for all who connect to expressions of mothering

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July 13, 20192:00 pm2:50 pm
In this conversational session, we will explore the experience of mothering, specifically non-traditional mothering. We will join together to share and validate the experiences that often don’t fit the stereotypical mold of heterosexual cisgender marriage, followed by 2.5 perfect biological children, and a white picket fence. Whether you are a mother who has suffered loss or longing, a nurturer of the earth, a supportive professor, an animal advocate, a queer mama, or you connect with the idea of mothering, you have a place at this table. Let’s explore with gratitude and openness all of the magnificent, challenging, and worthy expressions of the spirit of mothering.
12:00 am Grace Love Whaley

Creating Safe, and Sacred Space For Healing: How A Stranger Becomes A Neighbor

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July 13, 20192:00 pm2:50 pm
We will talk about what it looks like to engage the most vulnerable, and marginalized groups by creating brave, and sacred spaces. We will work through the idea’s of Language, Mutuality, Radical Hospitality, Abundance, and Justice. The attender will leave the session with particle, and tangible ways to open their lives, and communities to those who feel unwelcome, and unseen.
12:00 am Randy Evans