Randy Evans

Walking Tall exists to build interpersonal relationships with individuals experiencing poverty through full access so that they may experience community through safe and sacred spaces for healing. They strive to bring awareness to the general public through an important “shift” in the language used in regard to poverty and charity. They accomplish their mission and vision through living out the ideas of Language Mutuality Abundance Radical Hospitality and Justice. Randy Evans is the founder/director. He lives in Wilmington NC with his wife Marya Great-Nephew Jaxon and two labs Zoe and Izzy. He moved to Wilmington from Raleigh NC in the Fall of 2013. He strives to create community with the most marginalized groups through giving full access and offering radical hospitality. He’s been featured in Salt Magazine, Cape Fear Living, and Duke Divinity Faith and Leadership. He regularly speakes across the country; including the Missional Wisdom Foundation National Gathering. In addition to leading Walking Tall he also enjoys Yoga, Professional Wrestling, Diet Mountain Dew, The Rolling Stones and Howard Thurman.
July 12, 2019 10:00 am Creating Safe, and Sacred Space For Healing: How A Stranger Becomes A Neighbor
July 13, 2019 2:00 pm Creating Safe, and Sacred Space For Healing: How A Stranger Becomes A Neighbor