Your Stories

By July 3, 2014 2014 Festival

bushi and angel
“Imagine a setting so unbelievably diverse. People of color, Black, White, Gay, Lesbian, Straight, Christian, Muslim, Buddhist, Atheist, Agnostic, Children young and old, etc. And put yourself with all of your broken pieces and insecurities, hurts, questions, doubts, and unbelief and stand in the middle of this rag-tag bunch of thousands of Humans and be healed all over. Next year, come experience the hugs, smiles, laughter, Qigong, communion, prayer, meditation, crying, beer and hymns, praise, worship, music, dancing, open conversations and BEAUTIFUL FREEDOM. I AM BUSHI YAMATO DAMASHII, A ZEN BUDDHIST MONK & A CLOSE FRIEND OF JESUS, AND A GOOSE FOR LIFE. NAMASTE.”

We have been overwhelmed with the kind words like Bushi’s that have been pouring in via social media and blogs since the festival ended on Sunday. We will be compiling links to the blog posts to share with you here – please email if you’ve written a blog post that we can include on this list.

During the festival, many of you shared your stories with Wild Goose TV. Here is a playlist of these videos, which we will be adding to over the next month or so.

Faithmarks has a gallery of images and stories from the festival on their site, click here to view.

We look forward to hearing more stories from your Wild Goose experience!