Tom McDermott

Tom McDermott is a storyteller, singer, musician, and speaker who has entertained and keynoted at schools, churches, conferences, and corporate settings across the US and Ireland. Also a former social worker with Austin Planned Parenthood and the Tarrant Area Drug Rehab Institute, Tom is an ordained United Methodist minister and pastor to the eleven:eleven celebration (, a Sunday morning “seeker’s service” of 250 or so people within the larger community of the First United Methodist Church of Fort Worth, Tx. Eleven:Eleven, Downtown (inclusive, open, inquisitive) is a joyous and eclectic, growing and authentic community of young and old, faithful and faith-less ‘inclusiveers’ who celebrate life with story, secular and sacred music, insatiable curiosity, conversation, and compassionate service.
July 12, 2019 11:00 am Church in 3D
July 13, 2019 3:00 pm Church in 3D