Greg Jarrell and Dawn Anthony

Greg Jarrell is co-founder and Chief Door Answerer at QC Family Tree, a community of rooted discipleship in the west Charlotte neighborhood of Enderly Park. Greg shares life there with a host of neighbors who have become family, as well as his wife Helms and sons John Tyson and Zeb. Greg is the author of A Riff of Love: Notes on Community and Belonging, from Cascade Books (2018).

Dawn Anthony has served in the Charlotte area for years as a teaching artist, author and performer. She enjoys utilizing music, history and technology to build bridges to promote arts immersion in education and unity within the community. Dawn pursues her love for learning and performing through musical collaborations and cultural exchanges. She is the author of The Gift Way Up in the Closet.

Greg and Dawn work together regularly to fuse jazz with Christian liturgy, exploring songs of love, justice, and liberation.

July 12, 2019 4:00 pm The Improvising Community
July 12, 2019 6:00 pm Jazz Vespers