Beth Cantrell

My name is Beth Cantrell: pastor, bipolar, writer, advocate, folk artist, aspirant meditation coach, person. About Legion. I was really proud of my little non-profit’s mission statement. It stuck around for three years. Here it is: Our Brother Legion equips, educates, empowers FaithFolks&Allies to create belonging and develop practical ministries for/with/on behalf of people living with mental illness, substance, abuse, and/or trauma. The two constituencies grouped and named by the mission statement held me heady in my own ambition, but I never saw another way to do it. I always thought first that congregations, however defined, required action first. Then came February 2019 and the realization of the omission of caregivers. I don’t see how Legion can do its job if (1) we don’t buoy and respect the work (and the expense) of caregivers and (2) if post-church considerations aren’t given priority. (3) I also think that we’re smack in the middle of understanding the limitations of education models. Soft approaches to hard topics is primary an arts based exploration giving equal measure to deconstructing failed antecedents (Brueggemann) and embracing the newness of the Spirit. All while standing waist deep in a field white with harvest.