Meg Olson

Meg Olson is NETWORK Lobby’s Grassroots Mobilization Manager. She helps NETWORK’s members and supporters—Grassroots Advocates teams, Advocates Councils, and activists—to become stronger and more effective advocates for social, economic, and racial justice. Meg has been an activist since her 20’s working on a variety of social justice issues including education policy, immigration reform, and ending mountaintop removal coal mining in Appalachia. Before coming to NETWORK, she worked in the Advocacy Department at Catholic Charities in St. Louis where she spent time lobbying state lawmakers and directing the Catholic Campaign for Human Development.

July 12, 2019 12:00 pm Voices from the Holler, Fire on the Prairie: A Rural Roundtable with NETWORK Lobby for Catholic Social Justice
July 12, 2019 1:00 pm Transformative Conversations to Bridge Divides
July 13, 2019 4:00 pm Voices from the Holler, Fire on the Prairie: A Rural Roundtable with NETWORK Lobby for Catholic Social Justice
July 13, 2019 5:00 pm Transformative Conversations to Bridge Divides