Doing (Responsible) Theology in the Age of Trump

July 12, 201912:00 pm12:50 pm
What can we learn from the last several years about the state of Christianity and the moral character of the evangelical Right in the United States today? More specifically, what can we learn — and what can we do — about the threat of white Christian nationalism? The facilitators of this session are both leading and emerging voices in the theopolitical resistance movement, emphasizing the importance of activism, understanding, and intersectionality. We recognize how the various forms of oppression interrelate to contribute to a vast, dynamic, and seeming impenetrable network of systemic injustice and marginalization. Politics, even in 2019, need not be played as a zero-sum game with a winner-take-all mentality; a critical theology is as urgently needed and as relevant now as ever. Presenters will touch briefly on their own work of dismantling white Christian nationalism in their contexts, and will lead participants through exercises and reflections meant to help them think critically and creatively about their own experiences of intersectionality. We will address how participants can utilize their experiences toward productive conversation and transformation.
12:00 am Karen Bray
12:00 am Jeffrey Robbins
12:00 am Clayton Crockett