Cultivating Community: Gardening as an Opportunity for Community Building.

July 12, 201911:00 am11:50 am
There is a growing interest in gardening and local food production, especially among younger generations. This workshop is designed to help you develop strategies to engage your community around gardening. We will explore how creating a community garden can create opportunities to bring people from diverse socio-economic and life situations together to form relationships that would not otherwise exist, and how to encourage those relationships to affect community change.
We’ll talk a few basic how-to’s for creating a garden space virtually anywhere – from edible landscaping to raised beds – and look at a few inspirational models from around the U.S.A. We’ll also throw in some useful agrarian metaphors from the Hebrew Bible and New Testament and think about how love and justice can be expressed through community gardening.
12:00 am Rev. Zac Morton