Jared Vázquez

Jared Vázquez

Jared Vázquez is the Associate Director of International Diversity and Inclusion for the Metropolitan Community Churches. He has also spent the last six years working on a Ph.D. in Theology, Philosophy, and Cultural Theory at the Iliff School of Theology and the University of Denver. Jared brings with him over ten years of experience in leading, facilitating, and developing dialogue around diversity and inclusion in both secular and religious spaces. He has taught in formal and informal settings. As an adjunct professor at Iliff, Jared teaches a diverse population of M.Div. students how to engage and lead their churches with regard to issues of diversity and inclusion. This work reflects Jared’s passion of bringing people together to have dialogue that matters as well as his academic work which has focused on theologies of inclusion and the effects of religious and social politics on the lives of queer folk.

Justice Camp Pre-Festival Event
289 Loving Our Way to Freedom