Volunteer Values:

Volunteers commit to the purpose of the festival by supporting
the values imagined in the Wild Goose Invitation and:
• Loving the People
• Being Hospitable
• Building Community
• Having Fun

Volunteer Agreement:

I recognize that as a Wild Goose Festival Volunteer I am a key part of the community and a representative of the festival. As I will be shaping the experience of others, I agree to contribute to a healthy and safe community by respecting the dignity of all people at the festival at all times. I understand that I should be sober when I begin my shifts and that consumption of alcohol while on duty as a volunteer is not allowed. If concerns arise during my work as a volunteer, I will communicate any concerns to my Team Leader and/or to the Volunteer Coordinator so they can have ample opportunity to address those concerns.

I will attend required training, fulfill my service commitment, and if I am not going to be able to fulfill the obligations of this volunteer spot, I will inform either the Volunteer Coordinator or my Team Leader of my cancellation no later than Wednesday, July 1.

I also understand that while the festival hopes to provide plenty of volunteering opportunities, a match cannot be guaranteed for all submissions.

Terms and Conditions to attend the Wild Goose Festival:

Indemnification and Hold Harmless
a. At her/his own expense, the Ticket Holder agrees, acknowledges, and understands she/he will indemnify and hold harmless Hot Springs Resort & Spa and Wild Goose, Inc., its officers, agents, employees and assigns, from and against all claims, demands, losses, costs, penalties, damages, judgments and suits at law or in equity, of whatsoever nature (hereafter “actions”), brought against Hot Springs Resort & Spa and Wild Goose, Inc. arising from, in connection with, or incident to the performance of, or failure to perform the provisions of this Agreement by the Ticket Holder, her/his officers, agents, employees or assigns. The Ticket Holder further agrees to defend Hot Springs Resort & Spa and Wild Goose, Inc. in any litigation, including payment of any costs or attorney’s fees, for any claims or action commenced thereon arising out of or in connection with such acts or activities authorized by this Agreement.

b. The above indemnity obligation shall not include such claims, costs damages or expenses that may be caused by the sole responsibility of Hot Springs Resort & Spa or Wild Goose, Inc. Additionally, if the claims or damages are caused by or the result from the concurrent negligence of (a) the Ticket Holder, her/his officers, agents, employees or assigns and (b) Hot Springs Resort & Spa and Wild Goose, Inc., its officers, agents, employees or assigns, this indemnity provision shall be valid and enforceable only to the extent of the negligence of the Ticket Holder and that of her/his officers, agents, employees or assigns.