Vocal Presence Workshop

July 13, 20194:00 pm4:50 pm
Beth Nielsen Chapman’s workshops on songwriting and voice celebrate the power of dropping into the heart and listening to the guiding voice of spirit. Beth, interspersing songs with story and insights, explores creative expression from the perspective of Divinity in action.

Her unique and inspiring teaching style springs from her own experiences with the creative flow. She will open us up to explore this place within ourselves where the possibility and the power of creative spirit begins. Beth’s songs touch deeply into all the stuff of life from grief to joy to resilience. Hearing her talk about the creative process, trusting the path of “not knowing”, and connecting to the limitlessness of intuition is an inspiration not only to those who want to be better writers, but also those who have yet to discover the depth of their own inborn talents.

The miracle of creative flow comes from the same source no matter what’s growing. The great song, like the flower, is a divine expression of creativity. The brain has to get out of the way and allow the heart and soul, the subconscious wells of creativity, to flow and work their magic. Chapman balances the importance of balancing the craft, analysis and editing with the inspiration and flow. You’ll experience some great insight on how to maximize the whole spectrum of what you can bring to your writing after a BNC workshop!

12:00 am Beth Nielsen Chapman