Dealing Shrewdly: H2A Guestworker Snapshots

July 13, 20194:00 pm4:50 pm
This workshop, rooted in Exodus 1:8-14, begins by calling our attention to the fact that a shrewd king will want to preserve free labor by any means necessary. Following a broad overview of the H2A Guestworker Visa program, we will explore the topic through dramatic imagery. One or more of the participants will use others from the audience to sculpt a picture of an ethical challenge presented to us in the H2A program, and as a group we will reflect upon the image and work together to determine some possible changes to the image that make it more life-giving. The goals of the session are two-fold: 1) to increase awareness of this program and its current and projected impact and 2) to show the effectiveness of theatre exercises in collaborative social justice work.
12:00 am Joy Warren