Creating LGBTQIA+ Friendly Space

July 12, 20191:00 pm1:50 pm
This workshop is for business owners and church leaders looking for ways to be welcoming to the LGBTQIA+ community,
for family members or friends who want to be better allies, and for LGBTQIA+ community members (Hey, this is your
space!). Event professional and queer spaces advocate Sarah Skinner will share ways that she has seen event spaces
transformed for queer-friendly events. Queer community leader Cas Skinner will give insights into the importance of queer
spaces. You can take these insights back to your business, church, or community venue to create your own queer-friendly
community space. We will dialogue about the intersection of diverse identity and the re-envisioning of physical spaces.
12:00 am Sarah Skinner
12:00 am Cas Skinner