Positively Relating to Loved Ones Who Think and Believe Differently

Saturday, 12:00pm | Living Room

In this interactive workshop. people will be invited to split into small groups to share their most immediate interfaith family and friendship situations. Brian and Bart will move around to listen in and, if necessary, gently redirect the group or the room. The goal is to get people personally engaged in not only their own stories, but also in one another’s. After about 20-25 minutes, the big group will reassemble and Brian and Bart will talk with each other about what they’ve heard, offering some simple suggestions for improving those conversations. A time of question and response will follow.
The session will close with the opportunity to reflect quietly and make a few notes about a particular conversation you’d like to have someday.

Bart Campolo

Bart Campolo is an openly secular minister, speaker, and writer who currently volunteers as the Humanist Chaplain at the University of Southern California. Born and raised in suburban Philadelphia, Bart became an evangelical Christian as a teenager and was immediately attracted to urban ministry. After graduating from Brown University and serving as a youth pastor in Minneapolis, he returned to Philadelphia to found Mission Year, a national service organization which recruits young adults to live and work among the poor in inner-city neighborhoods. Later, the Campolo family spent nearly a decade working at street-level as part of the Walnut Hills Fellowship in Cincinnati, where Bart completed his deconversion. Since moving to Los Angeles in 2014, his work has been focused on inspiring and equipping all kinds of people to build more loving relationships, make things better for others, and cultivate a genuine sense of wonder and gratitude for the improbable privilege of being alive and conscious in the first place. bartcampolo.org


Brian D. McLaren

Brian D. McLaren is an author, speaker, activist, and public theologian. A former college English teacher and pastor, he is a passionate advocate for “a new kind of Christianity” – just, generous, and working with people of all faiths for the common good.

Notable among the many books he has authored are: “A New Kind of Christian”, which won Christianity Today’s “Award of Merit” in 2002; “Everything Must Change” tracing critical ways in which Jesus’ message confronts contemporary global crises; and We Make the Road by Walking, marking a turn toward constructive and practical theology. His 2016 release, The Great Spiritual Migration, has been hailed as his most important work to date.

Brian is married to Grace, and they have four adult children and five grandchildren. His personal interests include wildlife and ecology, fly fishing and kayaking, music and songwriting, art, history, and literature.


Session ID [218]