U B Jesus – Living and loving as the Master lived and Loved

Saturday, 9:00am | River

Jesus was a radical, revolutionary teacher! He knew our human potential was to develop into loving, compassionate and spiritualized individuals capable of changing the world around us.
It appears our world is now quivering on the brink of one of its most amazing and enthralling epochs of social readjustment, moral quickening, and spiritual enlightenment. Humanity stands in need of new and compelling inspiration to guide us in this time of transition.

Angelic Beings, present when the Master walked the earth, requested permission of their superiors to compile and present to humanity a greatly expanded story of Jesus’ life and teachings. This 700 page narrative is found in Part IV of The Urantia Book.
Discover how an enhanced understanding of Jesus’ life and teachings is bringing peace and justice to our planet. The experience of dynamic religious living transforms a mediocre individual into a personality of idealistic power.

Thomas Orjala

Inspired by Jesus, Thomas Orjala’s lifework is to touch, move and inspire others to live happy, transformed lives. A long time spiritual seeker, he believes that service is the most sacred privilege, and happiness providing activity, in which a religionist might participate.

A graduate of many cutting edge courses given by Landmark Education, he is a visionary who creates and develops programs and events providing a lasting spiritual impact. Thomas has served on the boards of InnerLife International, his local Church, and serves on the General Council of the Urantia Book Fellowship and its Outreach Committee. He travels often presenting the Urantia Book’s teachings. Thomas co-created Cosmic Café, an open forum for inter-religious community dialogue.

He commits his ministry to bringing forth the highest concepts of spiritual living, transforming himself, his community and his world. Being a little far-sighted, a favorite motto is: “Transforming the Universe, One Planet at Time”


Session ID [138]