Sean Gladding
Sean Gladding is a storyteller, pastor, writer, speaker, backyard chicken keeper, community gardener, and YMCA soccer coach. He is married to Rebecca, is father to Maggie and Seth, and they live, love, work and play in the MLK neighborhood of Lexington, Kentucky. He is the author of The Story of God, the Story of Us, and TEN: Words of Life for an Addicted, Compulsive, Cynical, Divided and Worn-out Culture.

Zacchaeus Was (Not) a Wee Little Man
Stories shape us – and we shape our stories. It’s no less true of the bible than of ourselves – every translation of scripture is already an interpretation, shaping the story a certain way. Come participate in a full-bodied, multi-generational exploration of one of the most beloved of Sunday School stories – that of the tax collector, Zacchaeus. Let’s discover together if there’s another way to understand his story, one that speaks to the ways we marginalize the “other” because of the stories we tell about “them.” Let’s disturb the gospel together.