Experiments with Faithfulness

Fri 11 AM | Convo Hall 1
Sat 1 PM | Convo Hall 1

Releasing Ministry Alliance

Based on practices from traditional spiritual direction and today’s cutting edge teachings in human development, we’ll use individual and small group activities to accompany one another as we listen for and discern next steps to follow the Wild Goose/ Holy Spirit in our lives.We’ll practice a method of spiritual accompaniment and, depending on our interests, we’ll explore ways to facilitate personal growth, such spiral dynamics, MIT’s u.lab, horizon analysis, and other methods. These practices have offered other people much-needed, steady guidance while they pursued a wide variety of callings.Participants are encouraged to come with a particular question and a willingness to share openly about their faith journey now and going forward.Lola Georg (counselor) and Viv Hawkins (spiritual director) will facilitate this interactive session where all will be co-learners and co-teachers. They pray this session will serve you and other people with whom you may share what you come to know.

Viv Hawkins

Viv Hawkins will co-lead Experiments with Faithfulness at the Wild Goose Convo Hall. Living at the nexus of spirituality and activism, she carries a ministry, under the care of the Religious Society of Friends (Quakers), including: teaching about spiritual accountability, co-founding Releasing Ministry Alliance – a network for independent ministries, and serving as a spiritual guide. Viv works with The Shalom Center, a multi-religious non-profit advancing social justice and earth care. Her article weaving spiritual accountability with her experiences at the first Wild Goose Festival is at: www.friendsjournal.org/finding-quaker-charism-wild-goose-festival/


108 Experiments with Faithfulness

Session #108